954.892.5559 Saab Services 800.326.0599

Offering South Florida the best value in SAAB & VOLVO repair

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SAAB won't start?

This is going to be a password protected page for techs and shop owners so I can protect your margins. In the meantime call me (John) if you need help at 800 326 0599.

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Servicing Saabs in South Florida for more than 21 years

SAAB Services is committed to providing the Highest Quality and Value in SAAB parts and service. The two businesses are owned and operated by John and Gerard Schreiber, two genuine SAAB fanatics. John and Gerard have been car nuts since the early 70's. Gerard was the first, (in 1982) to become infected by the SAAB virus and he quickly passed it on to John. Both John and Gerard are ASE Certified Master Automobile Technicians and AAIA "World Class" technicians.

John sold the Fort Lauderdale location in 2008. He is available on a limited basis to assist technicians with SAAB repairs, outside of Broward County.

Tech 2 Factory tool user guide.

There are a couple of points that should be clarified regarding the tech 2 as it relates to SAAB.

2 Flash memory cards are used for a full complement of software.

The latest version is currently version 134. This would be installed on a 32 Meg card.

For cars up to 1998 you need a 10 Meg card with version 43 or 44 installed.

I prefer 43 as it will work on cars up to 2003 without CAN, whereas 44 stops at 1998, which causes indy shops a lot of card swapping.

You will need the GM CANdi interface for the 2003 and later "sport sedan" vehicles.

Do not use the CANdi interface on earlier cars as it can cause hardware damage.

The flash memory cards are linear flash cards that support 12Volt write. They are not common, but are used on cisco routers. You can use linear flash cards that do not support 12V write, but you will not be able to use the "snapshot" function or download flash updates to the tool from a PC using TIS 2000.

Fort Lauderdale Location

Lake Worth Location

This is intended to be a password protected page for techs and shops so I can protect your margins. In the mean time feel free to call me for help on the 800 number.

114 South H Street Lake Worth, FL 33460

MAP (561) 586-1440



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